Free Trial
Did you know that we offer Free Trials for this product? We guarantee that our service is the one that you're looking for, easy to setup with 24/7 support to answer all your questions. See for yourself by ordering a Free Trial here today. We promise that we won't disappoint when it comes to service quality, get started today.
3 vCores
18 Players Slots
4 vCores
26 Players Slots
3 vCores
100GB NVMe Storage
15 Players Slots
3 vCores
100GB NVMe Storage
20 Players Slots
3 vCores
100GB NVMe Storage
30 Players Slots
Addons Available
Game Management
Game management is a limited setup of Mods/Addons, Configurations, Map/World/Save Uploads and Increased error debugging which will be done by our Support Team. More info can be found at checkout.
Included with all plans
We only use enterprise hardware to make sure your product is always up and running as smooth as possible.
Our products are budget friendly to make sure you can start your service on any budget - big or small.
Our support team is available 24/7 at all times to help you with your questions regarding your service.
We have many premium locations around the world, so you get the best service, no matter where you are. View locations here
Your service is instantly setup once the payment has been received on the system, faster than a rocket travelling to the moon.
All of our products come with free DDoS protection to ensure service downtime is kept to a minimum for you to enjoy your gameplay.
Frequently Asked Questions
Which package should I get?
The Package you choose depends on what your needs are. If you are running a server for just you and a friend you will want to choose “Claw” and for a medium-tier server you will want to choose “Flint”. If you have an extremely big world and lots of players “Steak” would be the package for you.
What is the best location to pick?
To determine this, You will need to know your ping to all of our servers. This will let you choose which location is the closest to you and your player base. You are able to view all location pings here.
How can I order?
Simply select the package you want. Follow the instructions. You will need to enter your name, billing address, and other info.
When will I receive my order?
When your service is finished installing/setting up, it will be immediately delivered to you. If there are any unusual delays please contact us with further details so we can attend to the issue as quickly as possible.
How do I control my server?
Once you have ordered the package, you will receive an email with instructions on how to log in to the “Apollo” dashboard. User credentials should also be emailed. From there, you are able to view your server and manage the server.
Need extra help getting your server up and running? We're here to help.
Contact SupportWhat our clients say about their experience
Sevcraft Games - 02/22/2023sparkedhost is a wonderful and cheap server hosting platform, and they have personally helped me and a friend find fun in minecraft again, their support team is quick and responsive and the modpack usability is perfect
Aurimas Ramanauskas - 03/27/2023Personally, for the price this is the best hosting ever. Customer support 10/10, their responses are fast and clear. Developer team 10/10. I had a question about some technical issues, and their developer team responded quickly and even implemented the feature I requested. Highly recommend this hosting!
Aspen Duryea - 04/29/2023The service has been pretty solid for the most part. Recently ran into a couple issues the response time from the technical support team was outstanding. It took a couple different attempts but they fixed all my issues. Great customer service really makes a difference!
Marcus - 06/11/2023Sparked Host make my experiences so far great! Were do I start? Great customer service[Good response timing], easy manageable system[not complicated and easy to understand], and choices are great regarding the services Sparked Host provides. Worth staying on my part.
Mark - 07/21/2023In the entirety of my whole life I have not have such an excellent experience with a service like this. The support is worth it. Even if there is something cheaper, this service was just worth getting for a few bucks more because it's amazing.
Xornaroth - 09/25/2023The response time of them answering tickets and giving support to their customers is great and better than most hosting companies out there. Also each of their plans for minecraft, discord bot and etc.. are affordable and not a price that you would have to sell your kidneys to be to keep your server running. I have been with many hosting companies and I would recommend Sparked Host over the others.